v5.42 - Staff Ordering Improvements, New Custom Fields, and Increased Efficiency


Version 5.42 enhances our Staff Ordering feature, adds new custom fields to the order form, and adds two new features to help speed things up for guests.

As always please note that the property branding and content shown are from the IRIS Beta property, but when these features are released it will be with your property branding, logos and colour schemes applied as they are today. If you want any help customising your theme or logos, just get in touch.

Release Date: 11 September 2023

Staff Ordering

We are constantly improving our Staff Ordering feature to make it easier to use. In this release, we have added the following features:

  • Staff ordering is now independent of guest ordering. This means that you can have outlets where orders can only be placed by staff, even though guests can still view the flat digital menu (without the means of ordering themselves).

  • The item layout has been improved. This will make it easier to use Staff Ordering on smaller mobile devices.

  • We have removed location caching. This means waitstaff will be forced to select the delivery location for each new order, reducing the risk of ordering items to the wrong location.

  • The "View Open Tab" button now takes users directly to the order history of the current location's tab. This is helpful for checking what has already been ordered.

If you want to find out more about how the new Staff Ordering feature can enhance your solution, please get in touch.

New Custom Fields

We have added 8 more custom fields to order forms, bringing the total to 10. This gives you more flexibility to ask your guests questions and gather more information.

Here are some specific examples of how you can use these additional custom fields:

  • You can ask guests about their dietary restrictions.

  • You can ask guests about their preferred payment method.

  • You can ask guests if they have any special requests.

  • You can ask guests for feedback on the restaurant.

The possibilities are endless! By adding more custom fields to your order forms, you can gather the information you need to provide your guests with an improved, personalised experience.

If you want to find out more about how the new Flat Menu Version of Any Menu feature can enhance your solution, please get in touch.

Auto-Select Single Locations

We have simplified the process of selecting a delivery location for delivery areas with a single delivery location. Instead of having to select the location from a drop-down menu, the location is now selected automatically.

Improved Outlet Load Speeds

We have optimised the way that outlets load on the guest-facing app to make the process more efficient.

General Updates

This release also includes a number of smaller enhancements behind the scenes and general performance improvements.

If you have any questions or want to know how to make the most of these new features, please get in touch with us.


v5.43 - Cart Count and Item Limit


v5.41 - Sub-Modifiers